Organizational Ethics & Skill
Hi! I have been an active counselor full-time since 2009 located in Burlington Vermont. I have had personal experience in counseling as a part-time role beginning in 2002.
I take pride in continued education and love my own process of continued learning, skill-building, and personal growth.
A self-driven commitment for continued education and personal growth: I enrolled in Southern New Hampshire University’s online Psychology undergraduate program to become more versed and diversified in my service as a professional counselor.
What are your strengths? I genuinely like supporting a client’s authentic natural blueprint for the mind, body, spirit, and constitutional wellbeing. I enjoy teaching holistic awareness skills of self-care, self-awareness consciousness, about natural energy and healing, holistic lifestyle management, and the importance of utilizing food and nutrition as a natural science of renewal, along with holistic theories and the science of natural healing. Upon graduation, I would like to integrate Wellness Counseling with Psychology for expanding purpose, self-care, and wellbeing offerings.
How do you learn best? The two models that work for me are cognitive learning and operant conditioning. I can look at my own behaviors to process and address tendencies by study. I also learn through positive choices and validation.
What are your strong skills? My strength is emotional stability, I am calm, optimistic, and secure. I am also- curious, original, intellectual, creative, with sincere openness, and can pride myself in being a conscientiousness-centered person who is organized, achievement-oriented, and highly dependable.
What skills do you want to improve upon or learn? My EI skills, self-regulation, self-awareness self-care, and social cultural tools are treasured and I hold value as an undergraduate for learning and applying new emergent understandings in emotional intelligence, resiliency, and enjoy the study of Psychology for personal development.
What are your interests and hobbies? I love hiking, camping, canoeing, gardening, and sewing. I also enjoy a night out for Jazz and watching cartoons with my son.
What problems would you like to address in the world? For global health, I feel sustainability coupled with human impact is a problem to address. I would take a position towards a pro-solution-oriented and resolution needs assessment study. I would love to see more resolve-oriented steps in government, the United Nations roles, as well as the industry in both public and private sectors reach new integrity exchanges.
Where do you envision yourself in five years? In five years I have a few possibilities I am currently envisioning in my career. I believe I am in affinity with the following potentials:
1) The option to maintain individual one-to-one therapeutic counseling directly via self-employment. 2) To become employed and work in a helping profession in a counseling capacity for either a school or holistic-centered corporation. 3) Marketing my wellness counseling program offerings to Psychotherapists collectives as a tie-in program to address wellbeing and self-care client holistic services.
Which psychology application centers a holistic wellness offering and is the most relevant to your career or goals for personal growth? I believe Emotional Intelligence and Self-care go hand in hand for me as a way of being true to myself. The most relevant to both my career and goals for personal growth is Emotional Intelligence as I am centering upon counseling currently viewing emergent new career opportunities thus far. However, truthfully I find skills and a high level of personal value in each programmatic course theme, which validates a calling for me to the field of Psychology.

This is a photo of myself and my son out on a hike in nature in Vermont. It is one of my favorite things to do with one of my favorite people.
Cyndi, I really like the idea of combining psychotherapeutic services with mind-body-spirit holistic healing. There are a couple of colleagues in my area that have started combining yoga with their therapy. I think it’s definitely a reflection of the field embracing a more rounded approach to the mind-body connection.
Dr. P
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