Covid Recovery, New-Pathways and Paradigm Planning, What’s Next in Soul Purpose?
Hi Everyone
If you are receiving this offering we have either met, or you had a reading or class in the past with me- Cynthia.
I hope you are well. I am writing to you to ask how can my work, my readings, wellness counseling, or soul path coaching help to support you in sustainable planning post-Covid recovery?
Like most of you, 2020 had an eye-opening and painful step process. There was so much for all people to energetically handle, here I am not alone in saying new paths are important for sustainability in new holistic ways.
Now today, there is 70% vaccine rate happening and a return of emergent basics, if the world is willing to recover…What does this mean to each person? What are new return to basics steps, or new emergent paths? What is the new paradigm for the next Segway? How does one take steps to normal?
Goal set, create and hold space? What changes did Covid bring forth individually for a healing path? What happened to career, soul purpose, or is the next step in your paving a sustainable soul plan? There are so many valuable questions to address in each and everyone in a soul purpose reading! My work really benefits the holistic view when opting most for a mind-body-spirit change and needs supportive achievable-staged paths.

HAVE A READING A GIFT FOR THE SPIRIT WITHIN TO VALIDATE OR CREATE A NEW EMERGENT AND SUSTAINABLE PATH: See the launch a new plan- discount gift below accompanying this email
HAVE A COACHING OR ASK ABOUT HEARING A LECTURE IN MY WELLBEING ALCHEMY CREATIVE HEALING COUNSELING PROGRAM:I now have a sustainable creative healing and counseling-coaching program teaching and supporting shifting called WELLBEING ALCHEMY. WELLBEING ALCHEMY is a MIND-BODY-SPIRIT counseling, intuitive life coaching, plus holistic lecture series with a viable day-to-day toolset to help someone stay on the pathway to creating more sustainability in 4 key spiritual aspects of life. I AM PRESENCE, SIGNIFICANT RELATIONSHIPS, WORK AND PURPOSE, AND KEY COMFORTS. It is a reset for the energy in each daily with wellbeing tools
WELLBEING ALCHEMY was launched midstream 2020, to create a support program for those affected to help create a sustainable path-plan for wellbeing. It has been really successful thus far and each person had positive enriching results. The participation supported everyone who opted in a really tremendous way with weekly lectures and one monthly check-in counseling session. Below are some testimonials
“Great recording from Monday night. They just don’t teach you this stuff in school and it could be REALLY helpful to learn at a young age. It takes tools to navigate in this world and I appreciate your tools! Be well
“Our last session was clearly everything I needed—I feel like a door has been opened——You acknowledged my creativity and that opened me up…I just started journaling and it feels REALLY good.I have an insatiable thirst to KNOW myself. I know I am intuitive and I’m extremely sensitive. My father used to tell me to “Put my antennas down” beginning at a young age. Now as a grown woman, I can choose to put them back up and allow them to guide me. That feels pretty good.
“I’m grateful for your guidance in this time——I feel like I’ve stuffed a lot away over the years——I’d love to move forward in a new beautiful way.”Thank you….SO VERY much! So much clarity in so many areas I’ve been stuck. Thank you for ALL of your help and wisdom in my process. SO helpful!
For the next wave to help I am offering a reading plan, with a promotional “new pathway recovery” discount of $30 OFF for ONE HOURAND OR IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO JOIN WELLBEING ALCHEMY $30 OFF MONTHLY WITH WELLBEING ALCHEMY TEACHING LECTURE
Sincerely,Cynthia WarwickIntuitive and Organic Professional Readings, Coaching, Energy Renewal PlansCertified Holistic Wellbeing CounselorUnique support offerings for Mind-Body-Spirit balance, creativity, pathways